When thinking about the ongoing food desert project, I looked to the book
Urban Wilderness: Nature in New York City by
Jean Gardner and
Joel Greenberg. By reading many books and viewing many art books over the years, I have come to be rather specific about what styles I enjoy. I shifted through several of the photography books in the library in search of something that resonated with me, when I finally picked up
Urban Wilderness and felt immediately pleased by the layout. The end papers are a soft, flecked gray, there is introductory text, and there is not a superfluous amount of title pages. What I find most aesthetically pleasing is the way in which the photos are centered on the pages with simple text accompanying them. I prefer this style over other books I have looked at that are cluttered with photographic images and text. The pages of this hardcover book are numbered and the titles are explanatory of the location in which the photograph was taken. Written before each chapter, which are separated by locations within
New York City, is a few pages of text by Jean Gardner. I feel that by including introductory text and not shoving that information in with the photo plates keeps the clean aesthetic.
Considering how each member of the class will be structuring their photographs for the class book is important to me when considering my decisions for my portion. I will most likely mimic several of the design elements used in Urban Wilderness as I feel they relate most closely to what I look for and would use in my own work if I were to make a book of my black and white photographs. I look forward to seeing what each person resonates with aesthetically and how the book will be as a whole with several different voices.
This sort of clean design could be replicated easily using InDesign. You could convey your food desert images in a similar elegant way. We are curious to see how everyone will use InDesign to design their page sequence in a way that goes beyond the MagCloud template used last term.